Month: November 2018

Last chance to comment: Save Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument!

Grand Staircase-Escalante was designated as a National Monument to safeguard the incredible scientific, ecological, cultural, and paleontological wonders within its 1.9 million acres. But despite pending litigation, a new Department of the Interior proposal would sacrifice hundreds of thousands of acres of public lands to future drilling, mining, and other development while the courts determine…

Last chance to comment: Stand with Bears Ears National Monument!

Bears Ears National Monument is a Native American-led effort to protect ancestral lands of the Diné, Hopi, Ute, Zuni and Ancestral Puebloan peoples. But despite pending litigation, a new Department of the Interior proposal would leave important cultural resources at risk while the courts determine the legality of President Trump’s proclamation to reduce the monument’s…